Welcome to Transform Church

Join us Sundays at 8:30am, 10:00am and 11:30am at 1657 161st Ave NW, Andover.

Community voices

What are people saying about us

"I've been following online for a couple months now, I have never enjoyed a sermon as much as I do now. This church feels like home, and I've never even stepped foot in the building. I'm so grateful for stumbling across your page!"

Shannon Dawn
Blog articles from our people

Latest from the blog

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Three Things God Wants From Us

Have you ever met someone that lives in the past? All they want to talk about is high school or college! It’s usually because...

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Why we will no longer live stream our services

On Sunday, March 15th 2020 we began streaming our church services for the first time. Prior to that day, Transform Church did...

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What is worship?

When I was 14-years-old I walked into a church for this thing called “Youth Group.” At this point in my life I may have gone ...