
Are you ready to take the next step? We’d love to help you go public in baptism as a follower of Jesus Christ!

Baptism is the outward symbol of an inward reality. In baptism we go under the water to symbolize we have been buried with Christ and come back out to symbolize our new life with Him. Baptism doesn’t save anyone, but it’s an important step to go public with your faith and identify as a follower of Christ.

Baptism is the outward symbol of an inward reality. In baptism we go under the water to symbolize we have been buried with Christ and come back out to symbolize our new life with Him. Baptism doesn’t save anyone, but it’s an important step to go public with your faith and identify as a follower of Christ.

Steps to being baptized


Register for baptism

Answer a few simple questions so we know where you would like to serve and how often.


Attend our short class

A Team Leader will reach out to you and get you scheduled to shadow others on the team.


Invite friends and family

Show up to serve your first week and we’ll have a name tag and lanyard ready for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question that isn't answered here?

How does Transform baptize people?

At Transform we practice believers baptism by immersing a person fully under water as they did in the new testament and early church. The word baptize comes from the Greek word baptizo which means “to immerse or submerge.” Every baptism in the Bible was done by immersion. The book of Acts shows us that this was the norm for every believer. “Those who believed and accepted His message were baptized." - Acts 2:41.

Does Transform baptize children?

The one requirement for Baptism is belief in Christ. Transform Church does not baptize children until they are old enough to understand and believe on their own. Individuals getting baptized should be at least 10 years old and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

What if I’ve already been baptized as an infant?

If someone was baptized as an infant we encourage them to be baptized as an adult to follow the example of Christ (Matt. 3:16) and fulfill what their parents wanted for them as a child. They should not be afraid to get re-baptized as an act of obedience.

How often does Transform have baptisms?

Transform does baptism services once in the summer (usually July) and once in the winter (usually February). People can register at any time for the next baptism. A required class will be offered shortly before the baptism date.

What is required from me?

Transform does baptism services once in the summer (usually July) and once in the winter (usually February). People can register at any time for the next baptism. A required class will be offered shortly before the baptism date.