Our greatest sense of fulfillment comes from serving and loving others.

Baptism is the outward symbol of an inward reality. In baptism we go under the water to symbolize we have been buried with Christ and come back out to symbolize our new life with Him. Baptism doesn’t save anyone, but it’s an important step to go public with your faith and identify as a follower of Christ.

Getting involved on a serve team is one of the best ways to get to know new people at Transform. We believe God has given gifts and abilities to people to further His kingdom and we hope you’ll find your place on the team here at Transform.

How to start serving


Complete the Serve Form

Answer a few simple questions so we know where you would like to serve and how often.


Shadow Team Members

A Team Leader will reach out to you and get you scheduled to shadow others on the team.


Start Serving

Show up to serve your first week and we’ll have a name tag and lanyard ready for you.

Serve Teams

We’re always looking for awesome people that want to make a kingdom difference with their lives.


Facilitate real friendships and community by providing treats and drinks to kids and adults as they arrive or stay after the services.

Transform Kids

Create a fun and welcoming environment for kids as a teacher, assistant or through checking kids in so they can learn about God’s great love in a hands-on way.

Background check required
Transform Youth

Serve our teens on Wednesday nights through mentorship, worship and technology.


Give direction to people as they drive into the lot, ensure families can cross safely and help first time guests feel welcomed from the parking lot to the front door.


Tap into the power source of the church by praying over people’s needs with them after the service and through email during the week.


Help create an environment where people can engage with worship and the message by running one of the production elements.


Ensure the safety of kids and adults by being a first responder, a watchful eye around the building and counting the offering.

Background check required

Create a friendly, welcoming environment that makes people feel genuinely cared for and helps them know where to go once they arrive.


Lead our church in Spirit-filled worship by using your instrumental and/or vocal abilities

Musical audition required

Set and reset the auditorium for the next service, help people find seats in the room and greet and hold doors at the entrance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question that isn't answered here?

What is the time commitment for those who serve?

The time commitment for volunteering varies depending on the role and ministry. Some roles may require a person to serve during the services (i.e. production and kids) while others are needed before and after the services (i.e. greeting and cafe). We strive to accommodate volunteers' availability and make it a great experience for everyone.

What volunteer opportunities are available?

We offer a wide range of volunteer opportunities to suit different interests and skill sets. These include serving in areas such as greeting, kids ministry, production, safety and more.

Are there specific requirements or qualifications for serving in different ministries?

Requirements and qualifications vary depending on the ministry area. Some roles may require specific skills, training, or background checks, while others may be open to anyone with a heart to serve.