Community Groups

We were designed for relationship. Becoming like Jesus together.

Baptism is the outward symbol of an inward reality. In baptism we go under the water to symbolize we have been buried with Christ and come back out to symbolize our new life with Him. Baptism doesn’t save anyone, but it’s an important step to go public with your faith and identify as a follower of Christ.

There’s no such thing as a lone-ranger Christian. We were built for a relationship with God and one another. We don’t just want people to go to Transform, we want them to belong. Although faith is personal it was never meant to be private.


Diving into the Bible allows us to comprehend God’s immense love for us and His purposeful path for our lives. Transform school is a safe place to explore the Bible, ask questions, and hear God directly speak to you through His powerful word - the Bible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question that isn't answered here?

What is a community group?

Community groups are made up of adults (usually 12-18 people) that meet weekly during the school year for the purpose of developing real friendships apart from Sunday morning.

What do the groups do together?

All of the community groups at Transform are message-based groups meaning they go through questions related to the message that was preached the Sunday before with the purpose of practically applying it to their lives.

When do the groups meet?

Community groups meet once a week from September-May with a break for the holidays.

How do I join a group?

Follow this link to view our open groups and request to join a group that works for your schedule. The group leader(s) will reach out to you giving you directions and information about the group and its schedule.

Is childcare provided?

Yes! More than half of our groups provide childcare onsite so that it’s easy for young families to be in community along with their kids. Transform pays for 50% of the childcare cost and the group members cover the rest (usually around $40 per year per family).